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Assessing program effectiveness & satisfaction

How effective is your recognition program? Do your employees like it? Here's how to assess where you stand.

The fifth and final element of building a great recognition program is Assessing Program Effectiveness & Satisfaction. 

To gauge success, you will want to connect with two main groups: 

  1. Senior leadership/stakeholders 
  2. End users/ program participants 

For senior leadership, check in to see if the program is meeting the goals you set at the beginning of this process. Have the specific business objectives been met? Are they satisfied with the program's progress and effectiveness? This can be done at quarterly meetings, or whichever cadence works best for your team. 

For users, you will want to get a sense of how happy they are with the program, and how recognized they’re feeling. This can be done through regular pulse or engagement surveys, or you can even go a step further and send out an Employee Recognition Program Survey (click on “make a copy”). You can customize the questions to uncover exactly how well the program is working for them and what can be tweaked. 

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