1. Admin Hub
  2. Improve Adoption

How do you recognize drop-off in participation?

What to Monitor

Key metrics are important to monitor across the program.  These metrics are often tied to your program goals. Upon starting your program, your Customer Success Manager will help establish goals for your program. We recommend revisiting these goals on a regular basis to monitor your progress and success. Here are a few examples of goals that lead to program success for organizations:

  • Participation rate: percentage of users who log into the platform per month
  • Recognition rates: average number of recognitions received or given per team member
  • Adoption rate: percentage of users who have logged into the platform upon rolling out. Within the first 90 days, how many employees do you want to log in and engage with your platform? 80% within the first 90 days often serves as a great benchmark. 
  • Core value growth: Tie recognition to core values (more on that later) to promote a healthy workplace culture. 

Guusto Tips & Tricks:

  • Navigate to the Admin section and Manage Gifting page to see all of the gifts sent by your team.
  • View the total budget used by navigating to Admin > Manage Funds > Member Balances.
  • Send reminders to your employees to use their budget. Click here to learn more. 

Adapt your approach - identifying issues that may be holding you back

If you encounter difficulties in rolling out your recognition program, you may improve a few key areas. A knowledge gap in the value or technical use cases may help set your program for better participation across all of your employees and managers. Here are a few common issues and strategies to overcome them:

  1. Employees may not know the value of recognition. Visibility is the best way to get your recognition program. Have a kick-off meeting introducing the program to explain how employee recognition can improve productivity, engagement, and retention. From your program launch, you may want to set prizes for your early goals and get leadership teams involved. Make sure to schedule frequent check-ins with your team to notice any change in performance or satisfaction among your teams. You may also implement quarterly feedback surveys to gain more data about employee satisfaction and productivity. 
  2. Employees may not know how frequently to recognize others. The best way to demonstrate value for managers is to tie all of your recognition to core values. Encourage your managers and employees to recognize others whenever they see core values in action. This may require a workshop to go over what your core values mean and why your organization cares about them. Keeping the bigger priorities in mind go a long way to create a great workplace culture where everyone is recognized for their work.
  3.  Employees may not know how to technically use Guusto. When you’re launching the program, communicate how to use the platform. If you can, record the training for people to refer back to later. Last but not least, distribute Guusto resources for how to send and receive Guusto rewards. Our team is always happy to help employees along their recognition journey! Check out our resource articles and videos or chat with our team from the bottom right icon in the platform.